Copyright & Privacy Policy

Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise noted, all information, text, articles, data, images, screens, web pages or other materials (collectively the “Materials”) appearing on this Site are the exclusive property of Rockledge or others as indicated. You may copy information from this Site for your personal or educational use only, provided that each copy includes any copyright or trademark notice or attribution as they appear on the pages copied. The Materials may not otherwise be copied, displayed, distributed, downloaded, licensed, modified, published, reposted, reproduced, reused, sold, transmitted, used to create a derivative work or otherwise used for public or commercial purposes, except as provided in these terms and conditions without the express written permission of Rockledge. You may not use any content contained in the Materials in any manner that may give a false or misleading impression or statement. Nothing on this Site shall be construed as conferring any license of any intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise.

Website Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Rockledge is committed to the protection of your privacy. In furtherance of this goal, we will treat any information provided by you through our website with the highest respect. We pledge not to sell or disclose personally identifiable information about you to unaffiliated third parties except in accordance with this “Website Privacy Policy and Disclaimer”.

Using our website constitutes your acceptance of the terms set forth herein. In particular, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure as described below. Due to the fact that this policy may be amended at any time, please review this page regularly to ensure that you are aware of any change to its terms.
When you browse our website, you do so anonymously. While we do not collect personal information when you browse, your computer may automatically provide us with certain information, including information about your computer’s operating system, IP address and browser type, as well as your access date and time and your referring and exiting URLs.

Any information which your computer provides us when you browse our website may be used by Rockledge and/or its affiliates solely for internal purposes. Rockledge does reserve the right to disclose any information that it obtains through the website to appropriate governmental or regulatory authorities, if required by law or by any governmental or law enforcement agency.

From time to time, Rockledge may offer additional services through separate websites linked to this website. Such linked websites may be subject to alternative terms of use, including use of your personal information. Your use of any such services shall constitute your acceptance of such alternative terms of use. Unless otherwise stated, such alternative terms of use shall apply to supplement this Website Privacy Policy.

Copyright 2011 © Rockledge Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved. Equal Housing Opportunity
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